

12세기 高麗 · 北宋 · 金 황제릉의 비교 연구


A Comparative Study of Imperial Tombs Style of the Goryo, Northern Song and Jin dynasties, in the 12th Century

12세기 고려 · 북송 · 금 황제릉의 비교 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the 12th century, Goryo and Jin dynasties kept a friendly relationship each other. It was because the founder of Jin dynasty came from Goryo. However, the focus about imperial tombs has been so far concentrated on the ancient times and modern times by Korean and Chinese historians, and Goryo and Jin dynasties have been alienated. Thus, this study compared Goryo and Jin’s imperial tombs and then examined their architectural characteristics. The study results are as follows; First, when Goryo, Jin and Northern Song dynasties selected the imperial tombs, they followed Chinese Geomantic principles. Goryo and Jin dynasties’ imperial tombs had a common feature that their north sides were located at high places, their east and west sides were surrounded by mountains, and their south sides were located at low places. On the other hand, Northern Song dynasty’s imperial tombs showed the characteristic that their south sides were high, and their north sides were low, thus they showed a difference in comparison with Goryo and Jin dynasties’ imperial tombs. Second, Goryo and Jin dynasties’ imperial tombs were built on the mountains in small scale. The buildings for memorial service or emperor’s rest were simply placed in front of both dynasties’ imperial tombs. However, Northern Song dynasty’s imperial tombs were magnificently placed with various buildings like a palace. Third, Goryo and Jin imperial tombs’ statues were small in their kind, quantity and size. Both countries’ stone carvings consisted of 12 pieces in 3 kinds, while Northern Song imperial tombs consisted of 64 pieces in 13 kinds, thus Northern Song dynasty had 4 times more pieces in kind and 5 times more in quantity. Even in size, Goryo and Jin imperial tombs’ human-shape stone statues were 2m high and animal-shape stone statues were 1m high, while Northern Song imperial tombs’ human-shape stone statues were 3.8m high and animal-shape stone statues were 2m high, thus the latter was 2 times bigger than the former. Fourth, Goryo and Jin imperial tombs’ carving style was mainly centered on embossing, and their details tended to be omitted and humorous. On the other hand, Northern Song imperial tombs’ carving style was sophisticated in detail description and realistic. Like this, Goryo and Jin’s imperial tombs have a strong similarity in their statue style. Considering this fact, we can know that Jin’s imperial tombs were influenced by Goryo dynasty’s imperial tombs. Probably, it may be due to the fact that the racial homogeneity was reflected on both countries’ imperial tombs since the ancestors of Jin dynasty came from Goryo dynasty.


12세기 고려와 금은 우호적 관계를 유지하였다. 그것은 금의 始祖가 고려에서 왔다는 민족적 동질성에서 비롯하는 것으로 알려져 왔다. 그 러나 그동안 고려나 금 황제릉에 대한 연구는 소외되어 있었다. 이에 본고는 고려와 금 황제릉에 관심을 갖고 북송 황제릉과 비교하여 시대 적․양식적으로 친연성이 있음을 다음과 같이 밝혀 보았다. 첫째, 고려와 북송 및 금 황제릉을 선정할 때 당시 유행한 풍수사상을 따랐다. 고려와 금 황제릉의 陵地는 북쪽이 높고 동서쪽으로 산들이 둘 러싸고 남쪽이 낮은 곳에 정하는 ‘藏風得水’가 공통되었다. 송 황제릉은 ‘五音姓利說’에 의해 남쪽이 높고 북쪽이 낮은 평지에 陵地를 선택하여 고려나 금의 것과는 달랐다. 둘째, 고려와 북송 및 금 황제릉은 규모나 구조에서 차이를 보였다. 고려와 금 황제릉은 산 위에 작은 규모로 조영하였고, 제사용 香殿이나 국왕이 머무는 行宮등만 배치하였다. 반면 송 황제릉은 비교적 넓은 평 지에 궁궐처럼 다종다양한 다수의 건물을 웅장하게 배치하였다. 셋째, 고려와 북송 및 금 황제릉 석조물의 양식은 달랐다. 전자보다 후자의 석조물은 종류가 4배, 수량이 5배, 크기가 2배 이상이었다. 전자 는 생략적이고 해학적인 반면 후자는 정교하고 사실적이었다. 이처럼 고려와 금 황제릉은 양식적으로 친연성이 강하며, 시기적으로 볼 때 금 황제릉이 고려 황제릉의 영향을 받았음을 알 수 있다. 이것은 금의 조상들이 고려에서 왔다는 민족적인 동질성이 황제릉 양식에 반영 된 것이라 여겨진다.


<논문 요약>
 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 황제릉의 조성실태
  1. 고려 황제릉
  2. 북송 황제릉
  3. 금 황제릉
 Ⅲ. 황제릉의 풍수격국 비교
 Ⅳ. 황제릉의 구조와 석조물 비교
  1. 황제릉의 능제 구조
  2. 석조물의 종별 양식
 Ⅴ. 맺음말
 <참고 문헌>


  • 장경희 Jang, Kyung-hee. 한서대 문화재보존학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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