

ERK1 Phosphorylates iPS Factor to Regulate Protein Stability and Stem Cell Self-Renewal



Nanogregulates human and mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell self-renewal activity. Activation of ERKs signaling negatively regulates ES cell self-renewal and induces differentiation, but the mechanisms are not understood. We found that ERK1 binds and phosphorylates Nanog. Activation of MEK/ERKs signaling and phosphorylation of Nanog inhibit Nanog transactivation, inducing ES cell differentiation. Conversely, suppression of MEK/ERKs signaling enhances Nanog transactivation to inhibit ES cell differentiation. We observed that phosphorylation of Nanog by ERK1 decreases Nanog stability through ubiquitination-mediated protein degradation. Further, we found that this phosphorylation induces binding of FBXW8 with Nanog to reduce Nanog protein stability. Overall, our results demonstrated that ERKs-mediated Nanog phosphorylation plays an important role in self-renewal of ES cells through FBXW8-mediated Nanog protein stability.


  • Kang Rijin School of Animal BT Science, Kyungpook National University
  • Myoung Ok School of Animal BT Science, Kyungpook National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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