

The Seven-Party Talks Possible solution on North Korea nuclear crisis: Six party talks and UN role




Some might ask me whether I make mistake on Six-Party Talks, or is it typo. Actually, it is my intention to talk about hypothetical Seven-Party Talks. My argument here is that during prolonged 5 years Six-Party talks, a lot progress has been made, but there could be a different negotiation model. With inefficient progress, I’d like to argue the possible solutions with UN’s active involvement in Six-Party Talks to solve North Korean nuclear issue more effectively and more efficiently. This will lead to expedite North Korean denuclearization, neutralize the conflicts among the respective nations and further achieve peace in East Asia. My assumption is based on hypothetical approach to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis. There are three assumptions: North Korea is the key threat to East Asia peace; North Korea is the major source of conflict; North Korea is willing and ready to cooperate with International Community to denuclearize under the positive UN involvement.


 Brief introduction to history of North Korean nuclear crisis and Six-PartyTalks
 Six rounds of Six-Party Talks
 Some limits and problems of Six-Party Talks
 Can UN be Seventh Party? What’s role?
 Possible UN actions


  • Nancy Lee President of Delta Power Corporation in United States Researcher in International Relation in GSP Kyung Hee University


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