

신석기시대 이엉지붕 움집의 열 환경 특성 분석 - 한국형 친환경 저에너지 재해 임시주거 모델 개발 연구 (Ⅰ)-


Thermal Environment Analysis of a Neolithic Thatched-Roof Dugout Hut - A Study on the Eco-Friendly Low-Energy Model of a Korean Emergency Shelter(Ⅰ)-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



So far the several studies have been carried out in viewpoint of the history and structural compositions of the Neolithic thatched-roof dugout hut(Um house) which has been used as the normal housing for about 1000 years in the Neolithic era, however the thermal characteristics analysis of the Um house has never been studied. In this study, the thermal environmental characteristics of the Um house in the Neolithic era was analysed experimentally. The results could be summarized as follows: .1. When the solar insolation and the ambient temperature in the daytime were 420W/m2 and 17℃ respectively, the surface temperature of the Um house roof covered with the rice straw was 37 ℃ and that in the roof 32℃, and in the conditions above the air temperature in the room was 15℃. 2. When the ambient relative humidity was 40%, that in the room of the Um house 50%, and at the ambient relative humidity of 90∼100%, that in the room was 60%. 3. In general the comfort degree in the living space is changed with the seasonal climate, also in this study, the comfort degree in the room of the Um house in October and November was higher than that in May and June.


 1. 서론
  1. 1 연구배경 및 목적
 2. 연구 방법
  2. 1 신석기시대 움집 공간 재현
  2. 2 실험 방법
 3. 실험 결과 및 고찰
  3. 1 외기온이 영상인 1일간 시간변화에 따른 움집 각부위의 온도변화 (2011년 11월 16일 / 17일)
  3. 2 외기온이 영하인 경우 1일간 시간변화에 따른 움집 각부위의 온도변화 (2012년 1월 6 / 7일)
  3. 3 시간변화에 따른 온, 습도 변화
  3. 4 평균 외기온에 따른 실내외 기온 변화
  3. 5 계절에 따른 쾌적도 변화
 4. 결론


  • 송헌 Song, Heon. 정회원, 관동대학교 건축학부 조교수, 디자인학 박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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