This paper proposes the need to improve the performance of CNR for battle radio network composition. An ad-hoc technology that composes the battle radio network without a base system can be called a point technology for embodiment before the center of the network. However, to apply this technology, Medium Access Control, network management, security problem routing, etc. are the boundaries needed to solve the uncertainty of tactical handling. Especially, applying them in the combat network radio of the U.S. Armed Forces for protocol improvement of the performance of the ad-hoc network that MIL-STD-188-220 protocols and Korean Army’s battle radio environment etc. happens confused network circumstance of military special quality, there is a possibility that the requirements of the strategy network will not be fulfilled. There is a limitation in the selection of a route for the application of the QoS that performs the service in an environment in which a transmission multiplex path exists when the battle radio network message exists. The suggested method enhances the net increasing delay time decrease performance of the network and the probability of success in the selection of the optimum route for the relevant requirements, which confirming the special quality of the existing message of the DTR (Delay, Throughput, Reliability) when a multiplex path improves it.
1. 서론
2. MIL–STD–188–220 메시지 DTR 고려한 QoS 분석
3. DTR 요구사항에 적합한 다중 경로 선택 개선 방법 제안
4. 성능분석 및 검증
5. 결론