

Effects of Vocabulary Memorizing Tools on L2 Learners’ Vocabulary Size


Kyoung Rang Lee, Soonil Kwon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was designed both to develop vocabulary memorizing tools and to examine their effects on Korean L2 learners’ vocabulary size. It was hypothesized that learners would memorize new words best with a computerized tool functioning in accordance with their individual preferences. In this study, 54 high school students participated. Self-regulated learners and other-regulated learners were provided with two types of vocabulary memorizing tools to expand their vocabulary size: one that allowed them to find target words (self-guided tool) and one that required finding words in a preplanned order (other-guided tool), respectively. Contrary to our hypothesis, which predicted better results for the matching tools, learners with the opposite tools (self-regulated learners with otherguided tool and other-regulated learners with self-guided tool) performed significantly better. Furthermore, they performed significantly better in memorization of all the content words than the matching group except for adverbs. However, the self-guided tool was found very effective for both styles of learners. Based on the results, since the level of engagement played an important role in memorizing words, we suggest teachers consider their students’ learning preferences and the level of engagement when devising classroom activities.


  Data Analysis Procedure
  Vocabulary Memorizing Tools in Terms of Vocabulary Size
  Vocabulary Size in terms of Word Group


  • Kyoung Rang Lee Sejong University, Korea
  • Soonil Kwon Sejong University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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