

A Study on Influence of Intimacy on Service Evaluation



Although intimacy can be quite useful in understating the service evaluation of customers, it has hardly been studied in the field of marketing. Thus, this study explores how intimacy influences service evaluation of customers (satisfaction, repatronage intention, and recommendation intention) in the presence and absence of service failure. A scenario method using 2 (service failure vs. nonservice failure) X 2 (high intimacy vs. low intimacy) factorial designs is employed for this study. The findings reveal that an interaction effect exists between intimacy and service failure, indicating the existence of the betrayal effect in times of service failure/high intimacy situation. The implications of this research and directions for future research are discussed.


 I. Introduction
 II. Theoretical Background
  2.1. Service Failure
  2.2. Relationship
  2.3. Intimacy
  2.4. Service Evaluation of Customers
  2.5. Hypothesis
 III. Method
  3.1. Sample and Procedure
  3.2. Measures
 IV. Findings
  4.1. Reality Assessment
  4.2. Validity and Reliability Assessment
  4.3. Hypothesis Testing
 V. Conclusion
  5.1. Summary
  5.2. Implications
  5.3. Limitations and Future Research


  • Seongun Jeon School of Business, Hangyang University
  • Gaon Kim School of Business, Hangyang University
  • Sanghoon Lee School of Business, Hangyang University
  • Jeongmin Park School of Business, Hangyang University
  • Minjung Jeong Graduate School, Hanyang University
  • Sungho Kim School of Business, Hangyang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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