A Communicational approach to understand the function
In order to understand the meaning of understanding the concept of the function, and presents the need for discourse analysis by applying the communicational approach is an object of the present paper. According to the communicational approach, practical way to interpret the understanding of the function concept of the student, providing help for the difficulties may be possible through the discourse analysis of the class. To analyze the mathematical discourse particular, there are various methods of analysis, but the analytical framework of Sfard, and by analyzing the mathematical discourse complex and diverse, can give more help practically both theoretically because I can, presents the need to leverage such a framework, is discussed from the perspective of communication in the understanding of the function, it tries to give suggestions on aspects of investigative and teaching and learning in the future.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 함수의 이해
Ⅲ. 의사소통학적 관점에서 함수의 이해
[부록] 검사도구