The Middle School Students' Preferences on Informational Text
The purpose of this study investigated the middle school students' preferences on informational text. For this purpose, 141 middle school students participated in this study. Students selected ten books what they want to read in their free time and described why they select the books. This study found that informational text was 25.2% among selected books. This is the similar result with the percentage of informational text among impressive books students ever read. And positive correlation was found. Written responses selected by students contained lots of vocabulary such as 'learning', 'career', 'usual', 'society', and 'school'. These words were closely related to students' daily lives. Thus middle school students tend to prefer informational text associated with their life. Implications were suggested for further research in the relation of recent emphasis on informational text in teaching reading at school.
I. 서론
II. 정보 텍스트의 개념과 특성
III. 독자의 텍스트 유형별 선호
IV. 연구 방법
1. 연구 대상 및 절차
2. 연구 자료 분석
V. 연구 결과 및 논의
1. 중학생 독자의 정보 텍스트 선호 정도
2. 중학생 독자의 정보 텍스트 선호 이유
VI. 결론