

<제3분과> 사상문화(8)



Local Consumption and Cultural Appropriation of Ringu in HongKong



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Japanese ghost film, Ringu (1998), has revolutionized the making of ghost films in a global scale. What makes Ringu important is not only its global popularization, but also its role in redefining new-generation ghost cinema. It created a craze in Hong Kong and had a strong impact on HongKong ghost cinema. After the screening of Ringu in Hong Kong in 1999, a large number of Hong Kong ghost movie shave been produced in the fashion of Ringu in terms of story and plot, makeup, character design, music, photography, special effect and sound effect. At first, HongKong film makers borrowed the elements from Ringu mechanically and therefore they were criticized for committing plagiarism. However, in the last few years, they have become increasingly sophisticated in incorporating Japanese elements into their ghost movies and produced some very innovative and popular works. This study investigates the cultural adaptation of Japanese elements in HongKongghostmovies,usingRingu as the main reference. Discussing the impact of Ringu on Hong Kong ghost movies from historical, genre analysis and comparative perspectives, it aims to deepen understanding of the local consumption and localization of Japanese elements in the making of HongKong ghost film sin the age of globalization.


日本鬼片《午夜凶鈴》(Ringu ,1998)不但帶來日本鬼片的全球化,而且奠定新派日本鬼片的典範 (paradigm),在亞洲及全球各地引起極大廻響。它在香港曾引起消費熱潮及對香港鬼片帶來衝 擊。在《午夜凶鈴》效應下,近年港產鬼片在故事、情節、造型、化妝、攝影、特技及音樂等方面 都加以模仿,並將日本元素本地化。不少香港片商還邀請日人在演員、配樂、劇本及製作等多方 面都給與協助。此外,近年港日還合作製作鬼片,從而刺激創意及開拓兩地市場。香港鬼片在吸 納日本鬼片的過程中,不斷將日本元素本地化,而且日趨成熟,從生硬抄襲到靈活運用,為香港 鬼片注入創意與活力。本文主要從歷史、種類分析(genre analysis)及比較角度,探討《午夜凶 鈴》對香港鬼片的衝擊及日本元素在香港的本地消費與改造,從而考察文化全球化下的本地化及跨 國合作的現象及其背後的文化意義。


 一 前言
 三 為日本鬼片重新定義的《午夜凶鈴》
 四 香港鬼片如何將《午夜凶鈴》的元素本地化
 五 港日合作製作鬼片的啟示
 六 結語


  • 吳偉明 오위명. The University of Hong Kong


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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