

주제 3 : 정치와 소통

전제정의 정치경제학적 분석



Autocracy is until now the one of main issues through the worldwide and universal field. In fact, most people say that autocracy means dictatorship and kingship. But, through the study of the historical foundations of authority, there was big difference between the West and the East. Kings have ruled human communities from the beginning of recorded history. In the European history, from the beginning, kingship is the one of the various political systems. In ancient Greece, Sparta, the rival of Athens, had builded the kingship that political traditions were established which have influenced mankind to the present. At the same time, institutional innovations(two kingship, aristocracy and so on) with Athens can spread to every country in Europe. The English parliament, German political fragmentation, or other countries develops its own culture and social structure, but once the basic pattern of institutions is formed under the circumstances of early kingship, it is difficult to change. In order to understand the modern world, one must take into account the traditional practices of continent and their unique elaborations. Meanwhile, the Easten World, especially in China, traditonal absolute kingship long antedate the development of modern societies. The Eastern World have always been very different societies, and the formation of their political traditions helps to explain these differencies. The authority of kings independed on religious sanction as well as on internal and external struggles for power. Kings governed their realm with the aid of buraucrat, not magnates or notables, to whom they simplified authotity. Authority in the name of the king became an only alternative. European countries have participated in a worldwide movement of nationalism and of government by popular mandate, though esach country has done so in its own way. And the political structure of totalitarianism was anti-these of liberal development were stoped through the World War. Once upon a time, new states looking for analogues or precedents in other countries have more models to choose from than ever before, but their histories and earlier development of other countries have hardly prepared them for the tasks of state-building.


1절 서론
 2절 전제정치와 민주정치: 정치경제학적 합리성 비교
 3절 유럽의 탄생과 동서충돌 - 진화론적 의미
 4절 동서양의 전통체제 - 봉건체제의 2유형
 5절 전체주의의 신화(Myth)와 실체(Reality): 전제정치의 변종
 6절 결론


  • 하봉규 부경대 정치외교학과


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