

Palatalization in Old English : An OT-CC Account


An-Nah Moon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



An-Nah Moon. 2014. Palatalization in Old English: An OT-CC Account. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 39-2, 275-300. The main goal of this study is to analyze palatalization in Old English (OE) within the framework of Optimality Theory with candidate chains (OT-CC) (McCarthy 2007ab). Palatalization in OE has often been dealt with in many analyses due to its phonetic, phonological and morphological importance in the grammar. The theoretical issues on this change can be related to two questions: Can we explain all of the relevant data? and can we explain why palatalization is present when it is not expected and why it is absent when it is expected? Compared with the previous analyses including rule-based analyses, the proposed analysis is shown to be more successful on explanatory ground as well as in empirical coverage. The proposed analysis can incorporate the apparent and true palatalization under the same hierarchy of the constraints. It is argued that OT-CC, developed to explain phonological opacity, has advantage over any other theoretical tools, in explaining the opaque cases produced by the interaction of palatalization and umlaut in OE. (Inha University)


 1. Introduction
 2. Data
 3. Basic Assumptions of OT-CC
 4. An OT-CC Account of Palatalization in Old English
  4.1. Transparent Cases
  4.2. Opaque Cases
 5. Discussion: Comparison with the Previous Analyses
 6. Summary and Conclusion


  • An-Nah Moon Inha University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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