

The bilingual education phenomena of children from multi-cultural families focus on Korean & Vietnamese language



In recent years ethnic, racial, cultural, language and religious diversity is increasing in south Korea because the multicultural families which formed by international marriages are popular. Therefore the challenge of their second generations is how to improve the capability of bilingual well. The purpose of this study is not to suggest a solution in bilingual education in the south Korea. It just examines the problem they have to face and the programs that are carried out to develope capability in both Korean and Vietnamese of the multicultural families' children. To achieve this, the research uses qualitative methods by having in-depth interviews with students, their Vietnamese mothers and Vietnamese tutors who had joined the bilingual class hold by Korea-Vietnamese culture communication center was lasted 6 months from October 2012. The results of this study show that first, the children from the multicultural families don't recognize the advantages they have as be born in the families which formed by international mariages. Secondly, the mothers' role have an important place on the development of children's bilingual skills. Thirdly, many training programs in bilingual languages are carried out but they are just last for a short time by the culture centers and the school don't have the effective education program in this issue. Through the results of this study we expect that the government should support many effective bilingual training program for children who growing up in a dualculture. Also, in order to help them not to forget their mother's tongue, mother's guidance and systematic program are needed. The cooperation of school, parents and teachers are required in billingual education. We hope that the result of this study will be the foundation for the developing training programs which help the children from multicultural families can improve their bilingual skills effectively.


  • 팜티휀짱 인하대학교
  • 김수경 인하대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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