

포스터 발표

A Study on Multicultural Sensitivity of Elementary Students through Multicultural Chorus Music Acitivity



In spite of frequent discussions of multiculturalism and significant needs of muticultural education for a better understanding of multiculturalism in the Korean society, the curriculum providing appropriate and practical educational programs that support muticultural education has been understudied. In the current research project, chorus music activity in multicultural education is focused in order to investigate how music provides a multicultural sensitivity to support children from multicultural families in the Korean society. Member of Chorus: Approximately 15 children from multicultural and Korean families. Duration: April 2013~October 2013. Process: 1) Literature Review; Research about the theoretical background. 2) Case Study; A comparative study on music education through abroad case. 3) Participant Observation; Pre/Post test about the transformation of multicultural perspective of children who participate this research. 4) Depth Interview; Participants who take part in the whole process. First of all, music in multicultural education makes progress the individual multicultural sensitivity. The main focus of this current project is to study how music improves the level of each child’s multicultural sensitivity. Second, children find themselves as an authentic personality through the experience and practice of chorus music. Music helps children find their identity and enhance their self-esteem. Third, the performance of chorus integrates people who have diverse backgrounds. They increase their understanding of others who have different backgrounds, and they are also able to experience different culture through the practices of chorus music performance. Last but not least, the most significant element of the chorus music performance is harmony. Participants in chorus music performance learn the positive interaction in the cooperative learning. Diversity and integration is indispensable to this project-chorus music performance.


  • 최승은 인하대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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