

[패널 3] 위기의 한반도, 평화의 길을 찾다

발표 1 : 새로운 남북한관계와 통일정책


A New paradigm for Unification Policy of the Park Geun-hye Government - A Proposal for the Free and Democratic Unification -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The North Korea’s 3rdNuclear explosion test and its consecutive nuclear threats to Seoul and Washington requires a new paradigm for ROK’s unification policy. President Park’s North Korean Policy ‘Korean Peninsula Trust Process’ also should be reoriented to the proposed new paradigm. As the inter-Korean dialogue proceeded, the discourse of peace has become dominant over the discourse of unification in South Korea and the ROK government seeks improvement of relationship with the North Korean Regime at any cost. As a result, national will for unification has been severely weakened and the national energy has been dispersed to the so called south-south conflict. And the Kim Dae-Jung government formally excluded the unification by absorption, the German style unification which Korea should benchmark. Unification is a raison d'être, justification for existence of Korea as a divided nation. The Park Geun-hae government unification policy needs to make a paradigm shift in which unification policy should take precedence over its North Korean policy. In the new paradigm, unification should be the first priority national goal and the North Korean people should be the main subject of unification instead of the North Korean hereditary dictatorship regime. In the paradigm, the North Korean policy should care for division management only and should be guided by the unification policy. The unification policy, the North Korean policy and the so-called south-south conflict are closely related. A sound unification policy is prerequisite for a sound North Korean Policy and a sound national integration policy. A paradigm shift in the existing unification policy is urgently needed for the people of the Korean peninsula.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 북한의 핵위협과 남북한관계
 Ⅲ. 남북한관계에 종속된 통일정책
 Ⅳ. 남북대화의 한계
  1. 북한정권의 대표성과 신뢰성 문제
  2. 대북정책과 흡수통일 배제
 Ⅴ. 자유ㆍ민주통일을 위한 통일정책
  1. 분단관리보다 통일 우선 정책
  2. 북한정권과 북한주민의 구분
  3. 글로벌 코리아의 통일한국 비전
 Ⅵ. 본격적인 통일준비
  1. 위기상황에 대한 대비
  2. 통일비용 확보 노력
  3. 통일국론의 통합
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 정천구 Jeong Cheon-gu. 서울디지털대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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