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미셸 푸코와 교육평가에 관한 고찰


Michel Foucault and Study of Educational Evaluation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to explore the genealogy of educational evaluation on the basis of Michel Foucault's perspectives, clarifying the current lines of that evaluation. However, the study seeks not to busily criticize educational evaluation, but to provide a basis for reflective speculation on it. Foucault claims that like capillaries, a micro-power stretches and penetrates into our everyday life and changes ourself into a submissive subject. This is also the case for educational evaluation. Today, evaluation is everywhere. Nevertheless, we are kept from fundamentally seeking answers to a question, 'why we evaluate?'. In other words, evaluation has become only a goal itself. This is the point where Foucault's sharp approaches start to work. Today, education is dominated by the neo-liberalism in which all results of educational evaluation is attributed to individuals. Under this circumstance, individuals habe no room for criticism but to accept their position and even classify others on the basis of those results. In the reality where evaluation is prevalent, the notion of 'we' can't avoid falling into something ineffective or like a vanity. Like me, others are subject to educational evaluation and differently positioned depending on its results. So they are nothing but rivals. The dominance of educational evaluation that allows no speculation takes away not just the notion of 'we', but also our 'time. Under the cause of evaluation, time to do any other things is just extravagant. Nothing can exists but continuous evaluation. A limitless number of evaluation is constantly made in sequence. In this case, individuals are just machines to be evaluated. Therefore, this study uses Foucault's discussions to judge a flood of evaluation that overshadows the time and space of present. We have been always educationally evaluated and uncritically accepted its results. Thus, the ultimate goal of the judgement lies in making us raise the skills of critical and reflective thinking.


본 논문은 미셸 푸코의 시각에 기대어 교육평가의 계보를 논구하고, 그것의 현재를 열어 밝히는 데 목적을 둔다. 그것은 교육평가를 향한 성마른 비난이 아니라, 반성적 성찰의 토대를 지향한다. 푸코의 말마따나 미시권력은 모세혈관처럼 퍼져 우리의 일상에 깃들고, 우리를 순종하는 주체로 탈바꿈시킨다. 교육평가도 그러한 푸코의 통찰에서 예외가 아니다. 평가가 일상화되고 범람하는 작금의 현실에서 우리는 ‘왜 평가하는가?’라는 물음을 통한 근본지향을 삭제 당했다. 즉 평가자체가 목적이 된 것이다. 푸코의 예각은 거기서부터 작동한다. 따라서 본 논문은 현재의 시간과 공간을 잠식한 평가의 범람을 푸코의 논의에 근거해 투명하게 진단하고자 한다. 미셸 푸코의 시험-규율에 관한 논의, 자유주의 통치성에 관한 연구, 앎과 권력의 관계에 관한 언급 등은 신자유주의 교육평가에 관해 가장 정확한 분석과 반성의 잣대를 제공하기 때문이다.


 I. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 푸코의 통찰과 교육평가의 연관성
  1. 현재성
  2. 구체성과 경험성
  3. 진실의 담화와 권력개념
 Ⅲ. 푸코의 논의와 신자유주의 교육평가
  1. 시험-규율
  2. 기업가적 주체
  3. 통치성
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 조수경 Jo, Su-Gyong. 부산대학교 윤리교육과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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