

한ㆍ일 교육정책 분석을 통한 일본어교육 발전방향 모색


The Search for Development of Education in Japanese, through analysis of Korean and Japanese Education Policy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research, with the recent change in the paradigm of education, has its purpose on suggesting the direction of Japanese education that best suits the environment in Korea, by analyzing the education and information policy in Korea and Japan. As it is shown in Mackey's model, policy in language and education cannot be separated, and the ‘smart education’ policy as well as ‘Education and Information Vision’ that is implemented in Korea and Japan is likely to be connected with policies in language in the near future. Both of these policies has its goals on the spreading of information in education, and is predicted to lead to development in contents in regard to education of foreign language. When looking at recently developed smart-learning programs, it can be found that the credibility and authenticity is weak because in most of those programs, there was no participation of experts in Japanese education. Thus there is a need for expertise in Japanese education for development of these contents and also many attempts with application of ‘smart-learning’ collaboration of technology and academic knowledge in humanities and education is needed. At the same time, various support from the government is essential so that these policies can simultaneously work together, along with the field of foreign language education.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 언어정책과 교육정책
 Ⅲ. 한ㆍ일 교육정책 비교
  1. 일본의 ‘교육정보화비전’ 정책
  2. 한국의 ‘스마트교육’ 정책
 Ⅳ. 스마트러닝을 도입한 일본어교육 발전방향 모색
 Ⅴ. 마치며


  • 안지영 An, Ji-Young. 고려대학교 일본연구센터 HK연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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