

고백의 형식과 자기반영성의 영화- 홍상수 영화의 서술학적 유형 4


A Study on the Type 4 in the Types of Cinematic Narratology in Hong Sang-soo's Films


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to investigate the type 4 in the types of ‘narration-focalization’ that is, ‘intradiegetic narrator-fixed internal focalization’ in Hong Sang-soo’ films. The results of the investigate are summarized as the following. First, the paper investigates that Night and Day, Like You Know It All, HaHaHa, The Day He Arrives, Nobody’s Daughter Haewon are related with the type 4 in the types of ‘narration- focalization’ that is, ‘intradiegetic narrator-fixed internal focalization’. Second, it investigates that Night and Day, HaHaHa, Nobody’s Daughter Haewon are made up a man’s or a woman’ love story in narrative-structure. Thus, the three films reavel low self- reflection. Third, the paper argues that The Day He Arrives are made up the mixture a man’s love story and self-reflection in narrative-structure. Thus, this film reavels middle self-reflection. Fourth, it argues that Like You Know It All is made up a man's self-reflection more than love story in narrative-structure. Thus, this film reavels high self-reflection. Fifth, it is claimed that the difference of between the five films that is, Night and Day, Like You Know It All, HaHaHa, The Day He Arrives, Nobody’s Daughter Haewon are suited to the difference of narrative-structure and time-structure.


1. 유형학과 서술학: 분석 및 해석의 관점
 2. <밤과 낮>: 고백의 형식과 도피-회귀의 연애
 3. <잘 알지도 못하면서>: 고백-여행의 형식과 고도(高度)의 자기반영성
 4. <하하하>: 저도(低度)의 자기반영성과 유쾌한 연애담
 5. <북촌방향>: 중도(中度)의 자기반영성과 욕망의 반복
 6. <누구의 딸도 아닌 해원>: 저도(低度)의 자기반영성과 제도 밖 사랑의 지난함
 7. <밤과 낮>-<잘 알지도 못하면서>-<하하하>-<북촌방향>-<누구의 딸도 아닌 해원> 궤적의 의미


  • 고현철 Ko, Hyun-Chul. 부산대학교 인문대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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