Application of Biblical Counseling in Discipleship Ministry : A Qualitative Case Study
The purpose of this study is to examine what benefits participants in discipleship training receive when experiencing biblical counseling redundant. Specifically, by asking the following research question, “What change did the participants discipleship training experience after receiving biblical counseling?” this study investigates how the participants experience growth and change in biblical counseling. To achieve this goal, the study first reviews precedent literature related to the topics such as discipleship, discipleship training, and biblical counseling, and explains theoretical background to examine a local church’s discipleship ministry and biblical counseling. The literature review found similarity between discipleship training and biblical counseling in their purpose and approach. Among many literature, David Watson’s book “Discipleship” has been a classic that explains the meaning of discipleship. For him, the essence of discipleship is to imitate Jesus and follow his steps in every aspect of one’s life. “Discipleship training” usually refers to a specific ministry of local congregation to train its members in the areas of Bible knowledge, its application, and practices in everyday Christian life. Among various Christian counseling approaches, biblical counseling model resembles the goals and visions of discipleship and discipleship training. But a distinctiveness of biblical counseling can be found in its focus on concrete change in deeper levels in the areas of counseling related issues. Among various traditions of qualitative research methods, the study employed case study method for it investigates complex bounded system like a local congregation. To examine the effectiveness of biblical counseling in the process of a discipleship training, the study first selected a local congregation well known for its discipleship training ministry, and provided four participants in discipleship training process with individual biblical counseling and two ground counseling sessions which lasted for six months. Main data were transcripts from counseling and discipleship training sessions and they were coded through content analysis. The result of the data analysis reveals that the participants were having various issues such as marital relationship problems, depressed feelings, and internet overuse. Among them, the problem of internet overuse was notably shared. Thus, internet overuse problem was mainly addressed in counseling sessions. Data analysis reveals that the participants realized seriousness of the problem, importance of faith for addressing internet problem, and importance of local church through biblical counseling. Initially, the participants assumed that they were using internet a little more than ordinary use and that the use of the internet was necessary for life. However, through counseling intervention that helped closely monitor and analyze daily use of the internet, they realized the seriousness of their problem. Once they could see the reality in their problems, they could find other related issues. For instance, participants could connect the internet overuse with their marital and other related problems. By indulging in internet use, they avoided to face their relational problems and tried to fill the emptiness. The participants also could see their problems in the light of faith and the Bible. More concretely, they could see their struggles as spiritual battle. Finally, the biblical counseling intervention led them to acknowledge and appreciate the positive roles of faith community as a vital resource for spiritual recovery process. Based on this result, the study suggests six ways to apply biblical counseling in discipleship ministry in local church: materializing, actualizing, training, utilizing, recruiting, and expanding. That is to say, discipleship training ministry needs to have materials to provide information and specific content of biblical counseling. Further, it needs to implement the content of biblical counseling as a part of discipleship training program so that discipleship training ministry can touch every aspect of a believer’s life. To do this, educational program such as “counseling school” as well as professional counseling should have collaborative relationship that enhances growth and change.
이 논문은 한국 교회의 제자훈련사역에 성경적 상담이 적용될 때 제자훈련 참여자들에게 어떤 긍정적 영향을 주는가를 연구한다. 더 구체적으로 말하면 이 연구는“제자훈련 참가자들이 성경적 상담을 받은 후 어떤 변화를 경험했는 가?”라는 연구 질문을 통해 한 지역교회의 제자훈련사역에 참여하는 구성원이 성경적 상담을 받는 경우 어떤 성장과 변화를 체험하는지를 질적 사례연구 방법 으로 고찰한다. 이를 위해 먼저 이 논문은 제자도, 제자훈련 그리고 성경적 상담에 대한 이론 적 배경을 설명한 후 성경적 상담을 접목한 한 지역교회의 제자훈련 사역의 사 례를 연구한다. 선행연구들은 제자훈련과 성경적 상담이 그 목적과 접근방법의 측면에서 유사함을 지적한다. 상담과정에서 수집된 자료들을 분석한 결과, 제 자훈련에 성경적 상담이 접목되었을 때 피상담자들은 문제의 심각성 인식, 신앙 과 인터넷 문제의 연관, 그리고 교회의 중요성을 통해 도움을 받아 삶이 변했음 을 보여주고 있다. 마지막으로 사례연구의 결과를 바탕으로 제자훈련에의 성경 적 상담의 적용을 위하여‘실제화, 자료화, 훈련, 활용, 모집, 확장’의 6가지 구 체적인 방법을 제안한다.
I. 여는 글
II. 펴는 글
1. 이론적 배경
2. 제자훈련 사역에 성경적 상담을 적용한 사례연구
3. 평가와 제안
III. 닫는 글