

국립대학 생활관의 침실, 거실, 식사실의 유형적 특성에 따른 이용자 평가 연구


The Evaluation Research of the Dormitory Dwellers on the Types of Bed Room, Living Room, and Dinning Room in the National University

우영식, 신용재

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to find out the evaluation for the three major rooms(bed room, living room, dining room) in dormitory by dormitory students in 28 National University. The first consideration is to figure out concepts and tools which are evaluation indicators and plan types of each three rooms by typological understanding. Second consideration is to figure out the analysis of real plans and students consciousness which are included the cross-tab analysis and satisfy/dissatisfy 5-scale evaluation method. The first consideration is figure out 3 indicators( approach, crowding, quality) and 3∼4 types of each plan types. The second consideration is figure out such as ‘bed room for 2 persons’type is 66.7%, ‘bed room for 4 persons’type is 14.3%. and ‘living room with 3 bed rooms’type is 40.6% , ‘living room with 2 bed room’type is 28.1%, and ‘dining room is ’dining room for individual building’type is 35.7%, ‘chair 300∼800’type is 40.3%, ‘once chair rotation’type is 26.0%. As a result of analyzing evaluation of students are as follows : First, mean satisfy degree for bed room is 3.50, for living room is 3.31, for dining room is 3.38 . Second, it was confirmed that the method of division of 3 indicators for satisfy evaluation and 3∼4 types plan of bed room, living room and dining room. site planning indicators and other 12-sub elements. But in the future, we need to change our consideration about these indicators and elements. We expect more studies, which includes various approaches for plan and building design in the dormitory.


전국 국립대학 28개 생활관을 대상으로 침실, 거실, 식사실의 유형적 실태분석과 제안적으로 설정한 접근성, 혼잡성, 시설의 질 등 3가지 평가지표별 이용자 만족도 평가를 실시하였다. 실태는 침실은 ‘2인침실형’이 66.7%, ‘4인침실형’이 14.3%였으며, 거실은 ‘거실+3침실’형이 40.6%, ‘거실+2침실형’이 28.1%이고, 식사실은 위치별 ‘별동식’이 35.7%, 규모별 ‘300∼800석’타입이 40.3%, 식당회전율 ‘2회 미만’이 26.0%였다. 또 평균 만족도는 침실이 3.50, 거실이 3.31, 식사실이 3.38로 나타났고, 이들 각 실의 접근성, 혼잡성, 시설의 질에 대한 만족도는 평면적 유형에 따라 차별화되고 다양하였다. 이를 통해 얻은 결론은 이들 유형화된 평면유형별 실태, 선호도, 만족도조사를 통해 생활관의 현재실태 및 미래지향적 변화의 흐름을 이해 할 수 있었고, 향후 생활관 시설계획에 유용한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 본다.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
 2. 생활관 시설의 유형화 및 만족도 평가지표
  2.1 평가대상 선정및 유형화
  2.2 만족도 평가요인 및 지표 설정
 3. 유형별 실태, 선호도, 시대별 변화추이
  3.1 유형별 실태 및 선호도
  3.2 시대별 변화추이
 4. 평가지표별 만족도 분석
  4.1 만족도 분석을 위한 독립변인 특성
  4.2 유의성 검증 및 교차분석
  4.3 평균 만족도 평가분석
  4.4 종합고찰
 5. 요약 및 결론


  • 우영식 Woo, Young-Sik. 부경대학교 대학원 박사과정수료
  • 신용재 Shin, Yong-Jae. 부경대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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