


약학대학 학생들의 학습 포트폴리오에 대한 경험과 인식


Pharmacy Students' Experiences and Perceptions of the Use of Learning Portfolio

제남경, 이인향

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: Learning portfolio is a collection of evidence that learning has taken place. It has gained its reputation as a useful assessment tool in the education of health professionals. The purpose of this study is to describe the pharmacy students' experiences and perceptions upon the introduction of a learning portfolio into the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience course. Methods: Fifty five students from one pharmacy school who used a learning portfolio to document their progress in the IPPE course participated in 16-item questionnaire exploring opinions and experiences of learning portfolio preparation, assessment, and personal and professional development and reflection. Results: Most students agree that a learning portfolio is a valuable tool in promoting self-directed and reflective learning. However most of them (46/55) also feel developing a portfolio is time-consuming, and when compared to their effort, an appropriate reward has not been given. Conclusion: To make the use of learning portfolios successful students should receive clear guidelines on their purpose, content and structure. Also the assessment criteria should be provided before the introduction of learning portfolio and their effort in developing learning portfolio should be rewarded.


 연구 방법
  포트폴리오의 도입
  학습 포트폴리오 수용도 및 평가
 연구 결과
  결과물로서의 학습 포트폴리오
  응답자 기본 정보 및 학습 포트폴리오 사용경험
  학습 포트폴리오에 대한 이해도 및 자신감
  학습 포트폴리오의 장점과 한계점
  응답자 특성과 학습 효과의 연계성
 감사의 말씀
 [부록] 설문지 내용


  • 제남경 Nam Kyung Je. 부산대학교 약학대학
  • 이인향 Iyn-Hyang Lee. 영남대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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