

Sperm Fertility of Transgenic Boar Harboring hEPO Gene is Decreased



This study was conducted to compare the reproduction ability of the wild type boar and recombinant human erythropoietin (hEPO) transgenic boar semen. Ejaculated boar semen was analyzed by flow cytometry, Elisa and IVF methods. In experiment 1, flow cytometric analysis showed that the live sperm ratio of transgenic boar sperm significantly lower (P<0.05) than that of wild type boar after incubation at 20, 22, 24 and 26 hr. In experiment 2, the presence and levels of various cytokines (IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α) to related animal reproduction in the seminal and blood plasma were examined using specific enzyme immunoassay. There was no significant difference between both groups. In experiment 3, the fertilizing capacity and developmental ability of both boar sperm were compared. The transgenic boar sperm had a significantly low capacity of penetration, sperm-zona binding, embryo development, and blastocyst formation compared to wild type sperm (P<0.05). These results suggest that transgenic boar sperm harboring hEPO gene has low sperm viability than wild type boar, and it is a reason to decrease of fertility and litter size.




  • Park Chun-Gyu Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute
  • Kim Sung-Woo Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute
  • Lee Poong-Yeon Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute
  • Han Joo-Hee Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute
  • Lee Hyun-Gi Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute
  • Byun Sung-June Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute
  • Yang Boh-Suk Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute
  • Lee Chang-Hyung Department of Animal Science, Korea National Agricultural College, RDA
  • Lee Hoon-Taek Animal Resources Research Center, Konkuk University
  • Chang Won-Kyong Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute
  • Park Jin-Ki Animal Biotechnology Division, National Livestock Research Institute


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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