

울진 소광리 금강소나무림의 송이발생지와 능이발생지의 토양환경 비교


Comparison to Soil Environment of Tricholoma matsutake and Sarcodon aspratus at Uljin Sokwang-ri Pinus densiflora for. erecta Uyeki Forest

허태철, 주성현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was carried out in order to produce useful material for the forest multiple use and forest protection by physico-chemical soil analysis of studied area in Sokwang-ri Forest Genetic Resource Protection Forest which was divided into in standard plots include Tricholoma matsutake and Sarcodon aspratus production forest. The result of physico-chemical soil analysis represented as following. The soil type of T. matsutake production forest was Dry brown forest soil(B1), while on the other hand the soil type of S. aspratus production forest was Moderately moist brown forest soil(B3). Between T. matsutake and S. aspratus production forest did not result in significant changes in soil pH(5.22-5.60) and soil depth(47cm), but available phosphorus, carbon, and nitrogen contents were different results. CN ratio of the fairy ring of T. matsutake was quite lower than that in S. aspratus production forests, which indicated that T. matsutake production forest was built up in the relatively immature soils which contain little organic matter. Generally, it was predicted that Pinus densiflora for. erecta forest succeeded to deciduous tree forest in stable soil environments. To conserve these T. matsutake and S. aspratus production forest, the contents of available phosphorous and exchangeable cation should be increased by continuous soil environment management and it should be established the secondary growth forests of old aged Pinus densiflora for. erecta trees as soon as possible.


  • 허태철 Hur, Tae-Chul. Department of forest, Kyungpook National University
  • 주성현 Joo, Sung-Hyun. Department of forest, Kyungpook National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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