A Study on the Conflict that the Preservice Teachers in Early Childhood Education Feel in the Course of the Student Teaching
The purpose of the study is to grasp how degree of the conflict and what contents of that divided into the types, which the Preservice Teachers in Early Childhood Education Feel in the Course of the Student Teaching. The summary of the conclusions of this study are following ;First, it showed that the Preservice Teachers irly Childhood Education feel the common degree of the conflicts on the whole in the course of the Student Teaching. Among them, it showed that 'the conflict with teachers themselves' and 'the conflict with the children' are the highest, 'the conflict with the institution' and 'the conflict with the supervising teacher' are the next, and the 'conflict with the colleagues' is the lowest.Second, it showed that they feel the conflict comparatively so much with 'the low social position against the teaching profession', 'insufficiency of confidence as doing the work', 'insufficiency of confidence in the smooth performance of the practice' and 'the burden in mind by the lack of the preparation for the lesson' in terms of the conflict of the teachers themselves that the Preservice Teachers in Early Childhood Education feel in the course of the Student Teaching. In terms of 'the conflict with the supervising teacher', it showed that they feel the conflict a lot with 'the lack of the supervising teacher's lesson modeling', 'the shortage of the general information for the student teaching', and 'the insufficiency of offering sources for the preparation of the lesson'.In terms of 'the conflict with children' that the Preservice Teachers in Early Childhood Education feel, it showed that they felt the conflict comparatively a lot with 'the difficulty in the children's unexpected reaction', 'the difficulty in teaching a child who made troubles', and 'the difficulty in keeping the balance between education and self-control'.
본 연구의 목적은 유아교육 예비교사가 교육실습과정에서 느끼는 갈등을 유형별로 나누어 갈등의 정도가 어떠하며, 갈등의 내용은 무엇인지를 파악해보는 데에 있다. 연구결과 유아교육 예비교사들은 교육실습과정에서 전체적으로 보통 정도의 갈등을 느끼고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그 중에서도 ‘자신과의 갈등’과 ‘유아와의 갈등’이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났고, ‘기관과의 갈등’과 ‘지도교사와의 갈등’이 다음으로 높았으며, ‘동료실습생과의 갈등’은 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다.