


SNS상의 개인정보 가치연구



The advent of Social Network Service(SNS) is one of the most remarkable social phenomenon of the 21st century. Communication and information exchange via online SNS and mobile SNS has become not only a trend but also an essential source to maintain their social status among acquaintances. However, placing personal information on the SNS puts the user at risk of online information predators. This paper looks at the privacy issues of SNS from various SNS users. By using the privacy issues, we assessed the values of personal information on Social Networking Sites. To examine the value of personal information on Social Networking Sites Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) is adopted. The results were robust in explaining the relationship of SNS experience variables and the user’s Willingness to Accept when monetary incentives are provided in return for their personal information on SNS. The results suggest that the SNS user’s awareness of privacy issues and control of personal information should be intensified.


  연구의 필요성과 목적
  SNS와 개인정보(Privacy)
 연구의 이론적 배경
  1. 조건부가치측정법(CVM)의 이론적 배경
  2. 조건부가치측정법(CVM)의 적용절차
  1. 가상시장 및 CVM 문항 설계
  2. 표본설계(Sample Design)
  3. WTA 추정 모형
  1. 분석자료 및 변수
  2. SNS상의 개인정보가치 추정결과
 결론 및 시사점


  • Yeon Kyong Jin School of Business, Hanyang Universtiy
  • Woo Jin Jung School of Business, Hanyang Universtiy
  • Sang Yong Tom Lee School of Business, Hanyang Universtiy


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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