


환경친화적 숲길의 조성과 관리를 위한 정책 제안


Policy suggestions for the making and maintenance of environmentally friendly walking trails


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the popularity of walking, different branches of the government and local governments have been making a lot of paths for walking including trails, promenades and so on. It is believed to have negative impacts on their surrounding nature and the environment because of excessive exploitation and environmentally-unfriendly path-making procedure. Therefore scientific and systematic construction methods for walking paths are considered crucial for eco-friendly walking paths so that they have the least impact on the environment from the planning of walking paths to the maintenance of them. However, there have been no regulations or environmental assessments on the trail-makings only except a few declaratory guidelines. It has been said that ill-made trails have been causing environmental damages to the ecosystem and the environment of the surrounding areas. To tackle those problems, the followings are suggested that these three regulations – ① Evaluation, ② Certification, ③ Feasibility study - should be introduced to the trail-making projects in Korea. These regulatory policies will contribute to the ecologically-friendly making and maintenance of walking trails.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행 연구의 검토
 3. 숲길 조성관련 정책 환경과 쟁점 사항
  3.1. 숲길의 개념과 조성 방법
  3.2. 숲길 조성의 환경문제
  3.3. 숲길관련 주요 법·제도 및 정책 환경
 4. 환경을 고려한 숲길 조성 및 관리제도 도입 방안
  4.1. 숲길평가
  4.2. 숲길인증
  4.3. 숲길조성타당성조사
 5. 결론


  • 최정석 Choi, Jeong-Seok. 중부대학교 도시행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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