

전시참가업체의 전시회 가치패러다임이 만족도, 관계의 질과 관계지향성에 미치는 영향관계


The Influence of Exhibitors' 'Exhibition Participation Value-Paradigm' among Satisfaction Level of Exhibitors, Quality of Relationships, and Relationship-Orientation between Exhibition Organizers and Participants


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objectives of this study are to find out what values must be pursued to achieve qualitative growth in the domestic exhibition industry and to attract more visitors to exhibitions, and to find out how these values affect the satisfaction level of exhibitors, the quality of relationships between exhibition organizers and participants, and relationship-oriented matters. This study shows how the variables related to the participation values of exhibitors, firstly, the size of the exhibition, and secondly, the number of attending the exhibition affect their satisfaction level, the quality of their relationships with exhibition organizers, and relationship-oriented issues. In conclusion, the thesis would like to guide useful information and alternatives for those who would like to organize exhibitions and manage them efficiently. After researching on the relationships among the size of the exhibition to the satisfaction level of exhibitors, to the quality of relationships, and to the relationship-oriented features of the exhibition participation value paradigm, it was found that if the size of the exhibition is below 2 booths, the degrees of influence of these factors were in the following order, from greatest to least; the satisfaction level to the relationship-oriented issues, the quality of the relationship to the relationship-oriented issues, and the satisfaction level to the relationship-oriented issues. However, if the size of the exhibition is more than 3 booths, it is the satisfaction level to the relationship-oriented issues which has the most impact, then the satisfaction level to the relationship quality, and the quality of relationship to the relationship-oriented features the last. As to the relationships among the above characteristics with the number of attending exhibitions on the exhibition participation value paradigm, the following indicates some different results from the first study. If the number of attendance in exhibitions is more than 1~2 and 3 times, the overall satisfaction level of the exhibition has a positive effect on both the relationship-oriented issues and the quality of the relationship, as well as the relationship quality to the relationship-oriented features. Especially, to those who had participated the exhibition for 1 or 2 times, in regards to the social-networks, it was the satisfaction level of the exhibition which had the greatest impact, then came the satisfaction level to the relationship-oriented issues second, and relationship quality to the relationship-oriented features the last. Yet if the number of attendance is more than 3 times, the results show the decreasing impact of the parameters down the following list; firstly, the quality relationship to the relationship-oriented features, secondly, the satisfaction level to the relationship-oriented issues, and lastly, the satisfaction level to the relationship quality.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 변수의 조작적 정의
  2. 전시회 가치패러다임과 만족도와의 관계
  3. 전시회 가치패러다임과 관계의 질과의 관계
  4. 전시회 만족도와 관계의 질과의 관계
  5. 전시회 만족도와 관계 지향성과의 관계
  6. 관계의 질과 관계 지향성과의 관계
 III. 연구설계
  1. 조사대상 및 조사방법
  2. 연구모형
  3. 연구가설
 IV. 연구분석 결과
  1. 인구통계학적 특성
  2. 신뢰성과 타당성 분석결과
  3. 전시회 규모에 따른 가치패러다임과 사회적 네트워크와의 관계
  4. 전시회 참가횟수에 따른 가치패러다임과 사회적 네트워크와의 관계
 V. 결론 및 제언


  • 김경남 Kyung nam Kim. COEX 전시컨벤션사업본부장 상무이사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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