

동아시아에서의 한국 전시컨벤션산업의 역할에 관한 고찰


The Role of Korean Exhibition and Convention Industry in the East Asian Region


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The main subject of this paper is to establish guidelines and evaluation methods for cooperation in East Asia. In this paper the following. 1) I researched the current state of waste in exhibition industry to get a clear idea of the cooperation in East Asia. 2) I found what was necessary to create waste assessment guidelines. 3) I made quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation method guidelines as a means for administrators and designers to achieve targets of the waste reduction. 4) I have verified my findings by conducting interviews and further field research. As influential countries in Asia, China, Japan and Korea have been cooperating with each other in many fields. We look forward to further cooperation in trade show industry. I here by put forward the following suggestions: To enhance information interchange on the industry. This conference can be a fabulous beginning for such interchange. The interchange can also be facilitated by Internet. To strengthen cooperative researches on the industry. There are so many interesting issues, such as the definitions, criteria and statistic approaches in this industry. The cooperation will prompt the involvement of colleges and associations in these countries. To enhance communications and understandings between each other. To enhance cooperation with other Asian countries in the trade show circus, hence better vision and broader cooperation.


 Ⅰ. 연구배경 및 목적
 Ⅱ. 전시컨벤션산업의 중요성 및 육성정책 동향
  1. 전시회의 의의 및 특징
  2. 국내외 전시산업 현황
  3. 아시아국가의 전시산업 육성정책 동향
  4. 전시산업의 국제화 촉진 확산
 Ⅲ. 서비스산업의 국제협력에 관한 이론적 접근
  1. 서비스기업의 국제화 이론
  2. 서비스기업의 해외시장 진입방식
  3. 서비스 기업의 해외진출 유형
 Ⅳ. 전시컨벤션산업의 협력메커니즘 필요성
  1. 전시컨벤션산업의 신성장 메커니즘의 필요성
  2. 아시아 전시산업 국제협력의 의의
  3. 동아시아 국제협력의 추진방향
 Ⅴ. 전시산업의 국제협력 추진형태 및 사례분석
  1. 협력추진 개요
  2. 국제기구에의 참가 협력
  3. 전시회 공동마케팅, 공동주최
  4. 자본투자
  5. 국제 전략적 제휴
  6. 국내 전시업체의 국제협력 사례
 Ⅵ. 동아시아 전시산업 발전과 국제협력증진
  1. 국내전시산업의 국제화에 대한 평가
  2. 동아시아 협력의 전략적 지향점
  3. 국제협력 증진을 위한 과제
 Ⅶ. 결론 : 정책추진과제 및 시사점
  1. 정책추진과제
  2. 한국전시산업에의 시사점


  • 황희곤 Hee-Kon Hwang. 한림국제대학원대학교 컨벤션이벤트학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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