

동아시아무역전시의 현황과 한국의 동아시아무역전시허브화 전략 - 무역전시의 국제화를 중심으로 -


The Current Situation of Trade Exhibition in East Asian Region and Korea's Some Strategies for 'Ascending The Hub of East Asian Trade Exhibition'

윤기관, 김태칠, 통갈륵

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is said that international competitive power of Korea's trade exhibition is more week comparatively and absolutely than our competitive countries. Accordingly, our country which economic growth based on international trade is inevitable needs urgently an 'internationalization' of trade exhibition which is a scientific export marketing tools(or techniques). This paper aims at presenting some new strategies in other that our country will be able to meet an internationalization of trade exhibition in the near future. In other that Korea's trade exhibition become a hub country of trade exhibition in East Asian region, it should reach internationalization by which most trade exhibition which is being opened in within the country is integrated and specialized. Authors proposed the following seven ideas as new strategies for these. Korea should: first, should cooperate to build the second "KIS(Korea IT Show) into the country. second, should support to establish trade exhibition organizers which can enjoy international competitive power. third, should promote M&A among domestic trade exhibitions and/or the cloning of trade exhibition event more positively. fourth, should let some trade exhibitions centering on key core industries in our country built as the most famous brand in the world. firth, should strengthen intellectual properties rights protection concerned with an brand inherent in some trade exhibition and some products exhibited in trade site. sixth, should establish the mid-term and systematic trade exhibition expert bringing-up countermeasures. lastly, should foster an local trade site and trade exhibition which meet the regional characteristic, discrimination, core capability etc.


 I. 문제의 제기
 II. 세계 무역전시산업의 현황
  1. 세계무역전시 개황
  2. 유럽의 무역전시산업의 현황
  3. 북미의 무역전시산업의 현황
  4. 아시아의 무역전시산업의 현황
 III. 동아시아무역전시의 현황과 전망
  1. 중국
  2. 홍콩
  3. 일본
  4. 싱가포르
  5. 태국
  6. 대만
  7. 인도
 IV. 한국의 현행 무역전시의 국제화정책 분석
  1. 한국 무역전시의 현황
  2. 무역전시 국제화를 위한 브랜드화
  3. 무역전시의 국제화정책 분석
  4. 국내 무역전시의 국제화를 위한 여건 조성
  5. 무역전시의 전문화, 국제화, 대형화 성공 모델 분석
 V. 한국의 새로운 동아시아무역전시허브화 전략
  1. 세계 무역전시의 대형화, 전문화, 통합화, 및 브랜드화추세
  2. 한국 무역전시의 국제화를 위한 무역전시산업화 전략
  3. 한국 무역전시 국제브랜드화를 위한 정부정책의 길
 VI. 결론 : 정책적 제언


  • 윤기관 Ki-Kwan Yoon. 충남대학교 BK21 복합무역사업단 단장
  • 김태칠 Tae-Chil Kim. KINTEX 전시전략팀장
  • 통갈륵 Tonga. 충남대학교 BK21 복합무역사업단 참여대학원생


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