

스웨덴의 방과 후 활동과 시사점


Study on Swedish 'Fritidshem' (After school activity)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Swedish Fritidshem is an institution for students after their school. The Fritidshem can give the possibility for parents to work and take care of their kids. Specifically, it is an important institution for women who want to work in the labour market. The Fritidshem has a long history, adopted at the end of 1880s in Sweden. To take part in the Fritidshem is not expensive: Parents pay for just 17% of the total cost for the Fritidshem, the rest of 83% is supported by the local government budget. Most of the students, 83-84% of the lower grades in elementary schools, participate in the Fritidshem. The quality of the Fritidshem was quite high, but it has been down since the economic crisis in early 1990s. Implications to Koreans : The swedish state takes the responsibility for the education and child-care of its people. The Fritidshem is stated clearly in the Education Act and the curriculum. Thus, the Fritidshem can stably upgrade with the support of the state. The teachers of Fritidshem are permanently employed by the local government. They can even support teaching in class and decrease the workload of classroom teachers. The Fritidshem is as important as that it is not a continuum of classwork but functions like stimulating students in the diverse activities, arousing their curiosity, helping them settle their self-esteem and identity through the relationship between students and teachers. The program like the Swedish Fritidshem is needed to develop considering that the more women in Korea can have possibility to work in the labour market and at the same time take care of their children.


1. 서론
 2. 학교 아동 돌봄(Skolbarnomsorg)의 여러 형태
  2.1 교육적 돌봄(Pedagogisk omsorg)
  2.2 개방된 방과 후 활동(Öppen fritidsverksamhet)
  2.3 방과 후 활동(Fritidshem)
 3. 방과 후 활동(Fritidshem)의 역사적 변천과 법적 근거
 4. 방과 후 활동의 비용
 5. 방과 후 활동의 이용률
 6. 방과 후 활동의 질: 실내외 환경 및 그룹의 크기와 성향
 7. 교사의 역량
 8. 자유시간의 개념과 프로그램
 9. 결론 및 시사점
  9.1 결론
  9.2 시사점


  • 황선준 Hwang , Sun Joon. 교육연구정보원 원장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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