

북한 문학을 통해 본 김정은 체제에서의 국가와 여성 -『조선문학』(2012~2013)을 중심으로


The State and North Korean Women in the shape of North literature in the Kim Jong-un Era: -Focusing on 『Joseon Literature』(2012~2013)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article, while North Korea North Korea, Kim Jong-un era into the country for the integration of the whole society to take advantage of women, how is the study of naganeunga. Kim Jong-un era of militarism and state-of-the-art system, the crisis broke showing a willingness to resolve the North Korean women on many modifiers are naesewoogo and policies. This phenomenon is expressed in literary text, literary discourse and the role of the female archetype has rules and representations. This literary discourse and text shapes the national ideology of the North Korean women and gender ideology littered with the process of being defined as a member of society, the role and status will be discussed. The North Country and the nation-state family, militarism, which has the characteristics of a country to maintain Kim Jong-un era driven by the principle ‘Kim patriotism’ to highlight most advanced breakthroughs have driven the national members. North Korea Kim Jong-un era women with a revolutionary resistance to mother adopt it as an example of this being the home forearms, and North Korea's most advanced era update the speed and production independence requirements as the principal receives state-of-the-art attachment and on the march Broke faith, love, commitment is required to. Overall, the revolutionary role of North Korean women, active social activities, loyalty to country, country director for the gratitude is emphasized. Kim Jong-un era modernization of the profession of women and improve social status and role of women, but the value is still loyal to the country will be evaluated from a number of countries that are planning under the control of the revolutionary slogans and planning is required to participate. Women’s true worth and happiness to the individual rather than the social element is true femininity.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 강성국가 건설 담론과 여성
 Ⅲ. 경제강국 건설 담론과 여성 노동자 전형
  1. 자주담론에서의 속도갱신과 생산증대 주체 여성
  2. 최첨단 담론에서의 지식경제 담당 여성
  3. 국가와 여성
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 임옥규 Lim Ok-kyu. 단국대학교 부설 한국문화기술연구소 연구교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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