



Reform of Rural Land and Development of Family Farm in China



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



From the end of 1978, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council have begun to reform the rural land management system. At the end of 1983, the two-tier management system that combines centralized and decentralized management on the basis of household contractual management was established in rural China. The General Principle of Civil Law was the first law that acknowledged the household contractual management system. Since 1993, the Constitution began to acknowledge the household contractual management system. The Rural Land Contract Law comprehensively establishes the household contractual management system in respect of rural land. The Property Law provides officially the right to land contractual management as usufruct. After 30 years of development, more and more people recognize the defects of the household contractual management system. Since 1990s, due to a substantial reduction in the rural labor force, some households began to circulate the right to land contractual management to other units or individuals by subcontracting, leasing, exchanging, or other means. From 2000, under the background of circulation of the right to land contractual management, a number of f amily farms have been r ising in the rural areas of many provinces. Since 2008, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council promulgated several documents to support and encourage the development of family farms. The Ministry of Agriculture defines the family farm as a new agricultural management entity, which utilizes members of rural family as its main labor force, takes the agricultural management income as its main sources of income, uses the contracted land under household contract as well as land gained by circulation from other contractors to engage in large-scale, intensive and commercial agricultural production. According to a survey carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture in March 2013, the development of family farms has reached a certain scale, those family farms mainly engage in farming and breeding production, and the management scale of family farms is comparatively large. The family farm retains the core of the household contractual management system. It corresponds to the features of agricultural production and fits into the stage of economic and social development in China. It has become an effective strength to guide the appropriate scale management and to develop modern agriculture. Therefore, the family farm is regarded as the future direction of rural land reform in China. The State Council and many local governments have taken numerous policies and measures to encourage and support family farms. However, the development of family farms is also facing some difficulties. For example, how to distinguish the family farm from the large specialized household? Should all family farms be registered as enterprises? How to make family farms obtain a long-term and stable land use rights? How to make it easier for family farms to raise funds? How to develop ancillary services for family farms? These problems remain to be resolved properly in the future.


1978年之前, 中国农村长期实行高度集中统一的人民公社经营体制. 从1978年以来, 中国开始对 农村土地制度进行改革, 将集体所有的土地按人口平均分配给每个农户使用, 逐渐确立了农村土地 家庭承包经营制度. 1986年的 《民法通则》 首次从法律层面上承认了家庭承包经营制度. 1993年 《宪法》 修正案首次将农村中的家庭联产承包责任制写入宪法, 在宪法层面上确立了家庭承包经营 制度. 2002年颁布的 《农村土地承包法》 全面确立了农村土地承包经营制度. 2007年颁布的 《物权 法》 明确将土地承包经营权规定为用益物权. 自1978年以来实行的家庭承包经营制度, 对中国农村的经济、社会发展产生了重大影响, 使广大 农民获得了基本的就业和收入保障. 但是, 经过多年的发展, 家庭承包经营制度的缺陷也逐渐暴露 出来, 即不利于土地的集约化使用和大规模经营. 从1990年代以来, 由于农村劳动力大幅度减少, 一 些农户通过转包、出租、入股等方式将土地承包经营权流转给他人使用, 农村土地开始向一部分 种田能手、种粮大户集中. 在鼓励土地承包经营权流转的大背景下, 部分省市的农村自2000年以来 开始兴起一些家庭农场, 并受到当地政府的鼓励和支持. 自2008年以来, 中共中央、国务院多次出 台相关文件, 鼓励发展专业大户和家庭农场等规模经营主体. 由此, 新一轮农村土地改革开始启动. 根据农业部的定义, 家庭农场是指以农民家庭成员为主要劳动力, 以农业经营收入为主要收入来 源, 利用家庭承包土地或流转土地, 从事规模化、集约化、商品化农业生产的新型农业经营主体. 2013年3月农业部首次对全国家庭农场发展情况开展调查, 结果如下 : (1)家庭农场已初具规模. 全 国除西藏外的30个省、区、市共有符合本次统计调查条件的家庭农场87.7万个, 经营耕地面积达 到1.76亿亩. (2)家庭农场以种植、养殖业为主. (3)家庭农场生产经营规模较大, 平均经营规模达到 200.2亩. (4)一些地方注重扶持家庭农场发展, 提高管理服务水平. 中国目前的家庭农场具有以下特征 : (1)家庭农场经营者主要是农民或其他长期从事农业生产的 人员, 主要依靠家庭成员从事生产经营活动. (2)家庭农场经营的土地或者饲养的动物数量须达到 一定规模以上. (3)家庭农场以农业收入为家庭主要收入来源. (4)组织方式多样化, 家庭农场可以被 登记为个体工商户、个人独资企业、合伙企业乃至有限责任公司. (5)经营活动专业化. 农业部认为, 家庭农场保留了农户家庭经营的内核, 坚持了家庭经营的基础性地位, 适合中国的 基本国情, 符合农业生产特点, 契合经济社会发展阶段, 是农户家庭承包经营的升级版, 已成为引 领适度规模经营、发展现代农业的有生力量. 因此, 家庭农场被看作是中国农村土地改革的未来发 展方向, 中央和地方政府纷纷出台政策鼓励家庭农场的发展. 不过, 目前家庭农场的发展也面临一些难题. 例如, 如何认定家庭农场?怎样区分家庭农场与专业 大户? 家庭农场应当统一登记为企业吗? 如何使家庭农场获得长期而稳定的土地使用权? 怎样使家 庭农场比较容易地获得融资? 此类问题有待于在今后的实践中分阶段、分步骤加以解决.


 Ⅰ. 中国农村土地改革的历程:家庭承包经营制的确立
 Ⅱ. 中国农村土地改革的深化:家庭农场的兴起
 Ⅲ. 家庭农场的发展现状及基本特征
 Ⅳ. 家庭农场的发展趋势及面临难题
 Ⅴ. 结论


  • 戴孟勇 대맹용. 中国政法大学民商经济法学院副教授, 法学博士.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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