

일반 논문

문법과 독서 통합의 방향성 고찰 - 2011년 개정 국어과 교육과정 <독서와 문법> 교과서 분석을 중심으로 -


A Review on a Direction of Integrating Grammar and Reading - focused on the Analysis of Textbooks on “Reading & Grammar” in 2011 Revised national Korean Language curriculum -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Review on a Direction of Integrating Grammar andReading-focused on the Analysis of Textbooks on “Reading & Grammar” in 2011Revised national Korean Language curriculum-Lee, Sang-gyuThe purpose of the paper is to provide a direction of integratinggrammar and reading based on analyzing ‘Korean Reading & Grammar“textbook in 2011 revised national Korean language curriculum. Just likein 2007 Korean language curriculum , it was classified as an electivecourse in 2011. One of similarities between ’reading’ and ‘grammar’ isthat they are language-related. However, in combining them, the selectionrate of students was the more important factor than the similarity of alanguage. Six Korean Reading & Grammar textbooks were passed afterdeliberation in 2011. Analysis showed that they can be divided into threetypes. Three of them can be sorted into the first type, well reflecting thefundamental contents on the basis of 2011 revised curriculum. One ofthem places more emphasis on reading, including grammar as aneducational subcomponent. The other two present grammar beforereading, depending on sequential learning of the two elements. The mostundesirable type is the reading-centered type covering grammar. In106․한어문교육 제30집contrast, the clearest and best example of integrating reading and grammaris the last type that allows students to work reading activities afterlearning grammar. A new direction of an education in grammar is to integrate contentelements in reading in terms of novelty seeking and practicality. On thatbasis, grammar and reading should be integrated sequentially ; Grammar& Reading. Specific educational systems need to line up in crossingparallel, which acknowledges the academic characteristics of each otherand pursues a balanced approach.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. <독서와 문법>의 내용 체계 및 교과서 체계 분석
  1. <독서와 문법>의 내용 체계
  2. <독서와 문법> 교과서 체계 분석
 Ⅲ. <문법과 독서>로의 통합과 방법
  1. 문법 교육의 지향점과 통합의 방향
  2. <문법과 독서>의 통합 방법
 Ⅳ. 마무리


  • 이상규 Lee, Sang-gyu. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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