

일반 논문

중세 국어 ‘거플’과 ‘겁질’의 형태ㆍ의미 변화


A Form and Meaning Change of the Middle Age Korean ‘거플’ and ‘겁질’


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper studied the new lexical field including ‘갗’ and ‘겇’. ‘겁질’ is the old saying of ‘껍질’ and it is related the present Korean ‘껍질, 깝질, 껍데기’. Then ‘꺼풀/까풀’ and ‘껍질/깝질’ are confirmed by the similarity of meaning. ‘까풀/꺼풀’, ‘깝질/껍질’ and ‘갗/겇’ are formed by the replacement of ‘ㅏ~ㅓ’. This meaning homogeneity is shown by chinese character ‘皮’. ‘갗’ and ‘겇’ have the same meanings in chinese character ‘皮’ but different in actual use. ‘갗’ and ‘겇’ are divided into depending on wheather they are human and inhuman noun. ‘갗’ and ‘겇’ are realized as ‘가죽’ and ‘겁질’. Because ‘겁/겇’ have the same chinese character, ‘겁’ is formed from ‘겇’. As well, ‘겁’ of ‘겁질’ is too formed from ‘겇’. ‘겁질’ is used for tree and fruit, but on 「孫龐演義」, it is used fish. In the present Korean ‘가죽’ is the origin of the middle Korean ‘갗’, in the present Korean ‘껍질’ is the origin of the middle Korean ‘겇’. The formal perception of ‘겇>겁’ comed from the 15th century, suggesting ‘겁질’ was formed in the 15th century. On the materials of 15th century, ‘거플’ and ‘가/가플’ are checked. In this case, ‘가/가플’ are appeared meaning transition. (Kongju National University)


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. ‘갗’과 ‘겇’의 대립 관계
 Ⅲ. 중, 근세 국어 ‘거플’과 ‘겁질’의 형태ㆍ의미
  1. ‘거플’
  2. ‘겁질’
 Ⅳ. 마무리


  • 이광호 Lee, Kwang-ho. 공주대학교 사범대학 국어교육과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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