

University Students' Views on English Writing and Writing Coursebooks


Youngkyong Jong

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For the purpose of finding better ways to facilitate university students' interest in English composition, this study explored how students in English writing classes viewed English writing and the composition class they took as a compulsory or an elective course. The study also investigated which elements of commercial English coursebooks have an impact on the students' learning of English writing based on their opinions. Data were collected over the course of two semesters and included a survey containing both close ended and open-ended questions. Analysis of the data showed that first, the students were well aware of the need to build a good ability in English writing; however, they were not willing to invest time and effort in it as they did not want to increase instructional hours or the frequency of receiving teachers' feedback on their writing. Second, while recognizing the significance of ‘content’ in writing, they still want to focus most on ‘grammar.’ Third, when English writing books do not contain topics that are not interesting, relevant or are culturally distant from them, they failed to attract students’ interest as well as meet their expectation. Finally, when too much content is contrived into a limited number of pages, it elicited negative reactions from the students, especially in the writing classes. Thus, the result indicated that there is a need to develop ELT writing materials suitable for university-level students in EFL settings by attending to issues found in this study. (Pukyong National University)


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Writing Approaches Influencing ELT Materials
  2.2. ELT Materials
 3. Methodology
  3.1. Participants and Setting
  3.2. Data Collection
  3.3. Data Analysis
 4. Findings and Discussion
  4.1. Students' Perception on English Writing
  4.2. Students' Reaction toward English Writing Class
  4.3. Students' View on English Writing Coursebook
 5. Conclusions and Implications


  • Youngkyong Jong Pukyong National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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