


Identifying Key Factors Affecting Mobile Market-Platform Attractiveness


Jeonghoon Lee, Sookyung Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The following study specially aims to market platform in the mobile circumstance. The characteristics of customers and infrastructure are handled by market platform under the new media. These characteristics will be revealed based on the unification of organizational structure and interaction of information structure in the relationship marketing. This study investigates what characteristics and impact of infrastructure of Market Platform will affect the cognitive impact on both buyers and sellers to clarify the impact on Perceived integratedness and Interactive Accessibility of the shopping process. Through this investigation, modeling for the impact that new media environment will attract Market Platform will be developed from the investigation of attractiveness of mobile market platform environment. Changes in the technical media environment gave the characteristics of the customer in the market platform, so consumers could involve not only consumed, but also manufactured. Thus, it is possible to increase the attractiveness if market must be able to not only for the convenience of shopping, but also make people to enjoy the experience of value co-creation. In other words, the new media, as a result of affecting the marketing system, mobile market platform is organized on the base of the market communication. Perceived integratedness and Interactive Accessibility, 2 properties of new media increase the co-creation experience and perceived convenience in the market platform of their customers. Therefore, the structure of market platform that enhance the co-creation experience and perceived convenience has higher attractiveness. They create beneficial experience to the customers and productive values to the producers as well.


 1. Introduction : Media Environment Shift
  1.1 Mobile device and SNS(Social Networking Service) as a new ‘New Media’
  1.2 Marketing Paradigm Shift on the New Media
  1.3 Rapid Growth of Social and Mobile Commerce as a Market Platform
 2. Factors Affecting Buying Process in New Media Environment
  2.1 New Media Properties Affecting Mobile Market Platform
  2.2 Mobile Market Platform Properties
  2.3 Shopping Experience in Mobile Market Platform
  2.4 Mobile Market Platform Attractiveness
 3. Research Model and Method
 4. Research Results
  4.1 Convergent Validity Test
  4.2 Distinctive Validity Test
  4.3 Path Analysis and Hypothesis Test
 5. Conclusion


  • Jeonghoon Lee Department of Business Administration, Hoseo University
  • Sookyung Kim Sookyung Kim**. College of International Studies, Dankook University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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