


Core Factors Influencing the Perceptions of Adolescenses in Higher Education Relating to The Impact of Technological Innovations on Human Interaction


Mehmet Ali Gürola, Ergün Özgürb

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to reach the perceptions, ideas and intentions of the higher education adolescences on the effects of technological innovations over interrelation/communication between individuals. While advances in technology commonly works for the welfare and benefit of humankind, paradoxically in some instances could have negative outcomes on interrelations among individuals, minimizing face-to-face communication. The perceptions, so ideas of the individuals on the matter could differ depending on their age, gender, race and the culture beyond their relative intimacy and closeness to ICT tools. In order to penetrate the basic initiatives leading the perceptions of adolescents on the effects of technological improvements on human interrelations/ communication, a survey is conducted with 157 students in high education consisting of Asian, African, Cypriot, Turkish nationals. Results indicate that participants use technological tools for communication which lessens their face-to-face interaction. However they prefer social media more than face-to- face communication during conflict or undesirable situations


 1. Introduction
 2. Technological Improvement And Human Wellness : Does Technology Truly Lead To The Advancement Of Humankind?
 3. The Effect of Technological Innovations on Interrelationships between People : Does it all Influence that in the Right Way?
 4. Methodology and Data Collection
  4.1 Data
 5. Results and Discussions
 6. Limitations and Future Research


  • Mehmet Ali Gürola Çevik Uraz Business School, Cyprus International University, Haspolat-Lefkosa, North Cyprus
  • Ergün Özgürb Department of Business Administration, Cyprus International University, Haspolat-Lefkosa, North Cyprus,


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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