

게임물 등급분류 결정의 취소에 관한 연구


A study of game rating’s revocation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



If Game Rating Board tries to interpret the paragraph 4 of Article 22 of Act on the Promotion of the GameIndustry as the meaning that it can revoke it’s rating of a game when the rated game falls under the category ofrating rejection owing to Ordinance’s revision after the rating, the interpretation could violate constitutionalismand protection of trust. According to the paragraph 2 and 4 of Article 22 of The Act, The Board may reject a rating application filedby an entity that has requested a rating without legitimate authority or that is using other illegal methods andshall, without delay, revoke its rating when it determines or discovers that a rated game falls under the categoryof rating rejection. Administrative court ruled that the interpretation of a law regarding revocation of a beneficialadministrative disposition should be limited in the original meaning of the law; it is desirable that the Board’s theInterpretation Criteria of Ordinance relating to the revocation of a game rating could be reconsidered in theviewpoint of constitutionalism and protection of trust.


 1. 서론
 2. 게임물 등급분류 제도와 사행성게임물의 등급분류 거부
  2.1 게임물 등급분류 제도와 등급분류의 거부
  2.2 사행성게임물에 대한 등급분류의 거부
 3. 사행성게임물이 아닌 것에 대한 등급분류 거부
  3.1 기타 실체적 이유에 근거한 등급분류 거부
  3.2 절차적 이유에 근거한 등급분류 거부
  3.3 소결 : 입법론상 재고가 필요한 지점
 4. 등급분류 거부 제도와 등급분류 결정의 취소
  4.1 등급분류 결정 취소
  4.2 실체적하자를 이유로 한 취소
  4.3 절차적하자를 이유로 한 취소
 5. 결론 : 수익적행정행위의 취소와 그 한계
 감사의 글


  • 문기탁 Ki Tak Mun. 성신여자대학교 법과대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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