

『올란도』에 나타난 전복적 글쓰기


Subversive Writing in Orlando


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kang, Jun-soo. “Subversive Writing in Orlando.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 40.2 (2014): 29-44. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and understand Virginia Woolf’s subversive writing in Orlando through the characteristics of nomadism. Gilles Deleuze’s nomadism means mobility and continuity within space, which makes resident keep moving. Also, Deleuze’s rhizomic system is non-hierarchical space which continues to move and change rather than people settle down or stay. Woolf offers an idea of androgyny as a way for criticising the ideology of patriarchal society. Woolf tries to revolutionize the form of biography in Orlando. Orlando transcends gender stereotypes in order to harmonize consistently the two sexes within her own mind into a more whole and complete self. With satiric and fantastic devices for a new biographical convention and several points of view, she overturns the traditional form of biography and biographical novels. Orlando experiences the living as both a man and a woman. Woolf tries to subvert the hierarchical structure through Orlando’s change of her/his clothes. The subversive writing Woolf embodies in Orlando is becoming-woman, becoming-minoritarian, and becoming-everybody. Woolf deconstructs the social and male-centered ideology by crossing the boundary of gender/sexuality through the device of ‘becoming.’ (Anyang University)


 Ι. 서론
 II. 노마디즘을 통한 전복적 글쓰기 양상
  2.1 탈영토화: 양성성
  2.2 방랑과 접속: 무의식과 욕망의 표출
  2.3 리좀: 여성/소수/세상 모든 사람-되기
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 강준수 Kang, Jun-soo. 안양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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