

생태적 회복을 향한 실천으로서의 불복종 — 소로, 애비, 스나이더의 경우


Disobedience as an Ecological Practice in Thoreau, Abbey and Snyder


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The point of view in this paper is finding and confirming the different types of ecological disobedience in Thoreau, Edward Abbey, an American writer called as American anarchist, and Gary Snyder, the poet and ecological thinker, exploring their works and lifestyles in terms of practical examples in Deep Ecology. Thoreau left his one-day-experience on his well-known essay, Civil Disobedience, and now it becomes a famous work with his Walden acknowledged even as a canon in Transcendentalism. Civil Disobedience could be included as an another chapter of Walden working as an practice for environmentalism. Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang and Desert Solitaire are based on facts with fiction, to a certain extent, and he used straight ways in styles, plots and characterization to illustrate the environmental problems directly and provocatively, which also could be regarded as an organic environmental practice. No Nature and Turtle Island are two main symbols of Snyder who lives in the wilderness of Nevada pursues. Snyder shows us his suggestion for coexistence of rehabilitation in this ecological crisis, using another way of resistance throughout his whole lifetime. With their similarities, those three types of ecological practice can be considered as significant examples for seeking awareness of individuals. Also, differently, we observe the development of ecological disobediences in works, lifestyles of Thoreau, Abbey and Snyder.


I. 들어가며
 II. 현명한 소수와 온화한 혁명: 소로의 불복종
 III. “신성한 땅”과 야생의 감시단: 애비의 불복종
 IV. 유기적 통합을 향한 경계 허물기: 스나이더의 불복종
 V. 나가며


  • 정선영 Seonyoung Jeong. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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