


아쿠타가와 류노스케와 다니자키 준이치로의 스쿠비즘 양상 - 『호색』과 『후미코의 발』을 중심으로 -


The Aspects of Succubism in Akutagawa Ryunoske and Tanizaki Junichro ― Focusing on Kousyoku and Humikonoashi ―

임만호, 김상원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the works, the Kousyoku of Akutagawa and the Humikonoashi of Tanizaki focusing on the succubism in both novels. While Tanizaki, through his uniquely literary characteristics of Female-body worshipping, displayed a tendency toward on succubism in his various works, Akutagawa showed little inclination on it except his novel, Kousyoku. In this respect, the fact that Akutagawa sought after the subject of succubism and completed the Kousyoku has a distinct meaning from other works. The result of comparison and analysis on both works is as follows. At first, the main character in the Kousyoku, it was succubism which Heichu has been obsessed with the excrement of a chamberlain that is corresponding to ‘ideal substructure B’. This succubism in the Kousyoku was chosen to overcome the despair of Heichu, after he had found his helplessness and limitation in front of ideal figure of a chamberlain. However, the succubism, rather than relieved him, led him to self-destruction, and Heichu ended up kneeling in front of her without getting over this ideal of a chamberlain. In the novel of Humikonoashi, both Inkyo and Unokichi showed the aspect of succubism in love triangle between Inkyo and Unokichi surrounding Humiko. This was the succubism of ‘physical substructure’that they craved for being under her feet. In the analysis of the work, it was identified that Inkyo and Unokichi were projected characters of Tanizaki himself, and they are double images that are shown in the other novels of Tanizaki. It is said that the characteristics of early works of Tanizaki were condensed into Humikonoashi, and he reflected the modernized image of Tokyo in his characters. In addition, the succubism of Inkyo and Unokichi in Humikonoashi was an internal desire toward his modernization. The appearance of Inkyo who died under the feet of Humiko, also, was a projected image of modernized Japan.


本稿では、芥川龍之介の『好色』と谷崎潤一郎の『富美子の足』をスクビズム様相を中心に比較考察した。 谷崎の場合、女体崇拝という彼だけの独得な文学的特徴として多くの作品でスクビズム的傾向が現れるが、 芥川の場合、『好色』以外にはそのような作品は数少ない。そういう面で芥川が原典である『今昔物語』か らスクビズム的素材を探し、『好色を』を完成したといにことは、彼の他の作品とは区切られるべきであろ う。本稿で両作品をスクビズム的様相を通して比較考察した結果は次のようである。まず『好色』で、主人 公の平中が侍從のマリ(糞)に執着したのはスクビズムの<観念的下部B>であった。『好色』でのこのような スクビズムは侍從という理想の前で自らの無力と限界を悟り、絶望からの克服のために選択した方法であっ た。しかし、平中は侍從という理想を克服することが出来ないまま、その前で跪いて破滅を向かう結果にな ってしまった。そして『富美子の足』では、富美子を取り巻く隠居と宇之吉という三角関係の中で、隠居と 宇之吉の両者共にスクビズム的様相が現れた。それは<肉体的下部>のスクビズムであった。作品分析の結果 、隠居と宇之吉は作者の谷崎が投影された人物であり、登場人物の全てが彼の他の作品のキャラクタと重な る人物であることが分かった。これは谷崎の初期作品の特徴が『富美子の足』に凝縮され、近代化していた 東京のイメージが登場人物たちに反映されたことであるといえよう。そして『富美子の足』での隠居と宇之 吉から現れるスクビズムは谷崎の近代化に対する熱望が内在していることであった。ちなみに、富美子の足 のしたから死にかけていた隠居の姿は近代化していた日本のイメージが投影されたことであった。


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 플롯의 전개와 스쿠비즘 양상
 Ⅲ. 『호색』의 스쿠비즘
 Ⅳ. 『후미코의 발』의 스쿠비즘
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 임만호 가천대학교 글로벌캠퍼스 일어일문학과 교수, 일본근대문학
  • 김상원 가천대학교 메디컬캠퍼스 교양학부 강사, 일본근대문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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