A study on voluntary participation program of civil defence
In order to improve participation and quick decision-making in an emergency, the Voluntary Participation Program was recommended in this study for effective management of Civil Defense. The problems in the Law and Administration group and Forced Education by Mobilization system were analyzed through actual conditions of Civil Defense management and participation. In order to improve these problems, cases such as “Extension of Participation Methods”, “Cooperation Activities with Civil Groups”, “Usage of Community Information” were studied. Based on the investigation results, domestic applicability was recommended.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구 분석
3. 민방위 운영 및 참여 실태 분석
3.1 국내 운영 현황
3.2 국외 운영 현황
3.3 국내ㆍ외 사례를 통한 시사점
4. 민방위 자율 참여 방안
4.1 민방위 자율 참여의 필요성
4.2 자율적 참여방안의 추진방향
5. 결론
6. References