A Cooperating Plan of Fire Investigation : Focused on Public-Private Partnership Theory
This study is to search cooperation plan about fire investigation based on the public-private partnership. Especially focused on the partnership with 4 sector; the academic world, insurance sector, industrial world, professionalist of private fire investigation. In conclusion, Firstly a partnership with the academic world should have courses or school subject extensions related to fire investigation. Secondly, a partnership with insurance sector should secure trust through unifying estimate standard about the origin of damage. Thirdly, A partnership with industrial company is presented making collaboration team to investigate the fire investigation. Lastly, the partnership with the private professionalist related to fire investigation should strengthen credibility and expertise.
1. 서론
2. 민관파트너십 이론
2.1. 민관파트너십의 배경 및 장단점
2.2. 민관파트너십의 유형
3. 화재조사의 실태 및 문제점
3.1 화재조사 법체계의 분산 및 모호성
3.2 전문성과 경험이 풍부한 전문인력의 부족
3.3 소방기관, 경찰기관 및 보험업계의 화재피해액 상이
3.4 가전제품에 대한 이해부족
3.5 민간 화재조사전문가의 참여제한
4. 협력방안
4.1 학계와의 파트너십
4.2 보험업계와의 파트너십
4.3 산업계와의 파트너십
4.4 민간 화재조사전문가와의 파트너십
5. 결론
6. References