

Reengineering Process for Mobile Component Patterns



Many reengineering approaches have focused on extracting an abstract representa-tion through syntax analysis of legacy source codes. So, recovery of rationale behind the design decision, such as domain specific semantics and roles, has been ignored. In this paper, we suggest the architecture based reengineering approach using design patterns. A design pattern, as core element of software architecture, has integrated the concept of standardization about certain domain and expert experience into a set of related compo-nents that can perform specific functionality with better structure. We describe the reen-gineering process that defines the architecture of target system by refining architecture information of legacy system extracted through domain analysis, identifies the reengi-neering patterns that are applicable in that architecture, and completes a target system by mapping the identified reengineering pattern into target architecture. Also, we con-struct the Servlet2EJB prototyping system transforming servlet programs into EJB com-ponents as a case study for realizing our reengineering process.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Architecture Based Reengineering Process
  3.1. Common Problems for Reengineering
  3.2. Core Concepts
  3.3. Reengineering Design Pattern
  3.4. Reengineering Process
 4. Case Study
  4.1. Requirements for Servlet2EJB
  4.2. Reference Architecture
  4.3. Transformation Servlet Programs into EJB Components
 5. Conclusion


  • Haeng-Kon Kim School of Information Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea
  • Hyun Yeo Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Sunchon National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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