

Ant Colony System: An Improved Approach for Robot Path Planning



In Robot Colony System(RCS), based on the swarming nature of Ants, the path for the agent robots is designed to perform to search operation to find the shortest path from source to destination for collection of objects and go back to their hive-like home node. The agent always move through the shortest path to reach to the destination. There is a possibility of having a number of path in between the source and destination as defined in the Path Map(PM) in offline mode. If the prefferd shortest path is blocked by means of some obstraction, there must be another way to reach to the destination which have the weight of minimum among the other possible paths. The algorithm shown in this paper for shortest path, based on Kruskal’s Algorithm, shows the way to find the alternative shortest path and the moving direction of the agent. In this paper, the junction-to-junction connectivity is proposed where the path search is replaced by the node search which minimises the computaional time and hence increases the effectiveness and efficiency in agent moving towards the destination from source and also in its reverse direction.


 1. Introduction
 2. Ant Colony System and Previous Work
  2.1 Real Ants
  2.2 Ant system and State Transition Rule
  2.3 Pheromone Update Rule
 3. Modified Robot Colony System
  3.1 Robot Modified Path Map (RMPM)
  3.2 Routing process in RMPM
  3.3 Junction Connectivity Database (JCD)
  3.4 Calculation of inter-junction node connection
 4. Pseudocode of Agent Routing
  4.1 Pseudocode
 5. Simulation Result
  5.1 Simulation for the path without obstacle
  5.2 Simulation for the path with obstacle
 6. Conclusion


  • Subhadeep Chakraborty Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Calcutta Institute of Technology, West Bengal, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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