

Automated Surveillance in Distributed, Visual Networks : An Empirical Comparison of Recent Algorithms



A number of algorithms have been recently proposed for automatic intruder detection from CCTV images. Past researchers have typically tested these algorithms on centralized networks where all images are transmitted to a central control room. This paper demon- strates the applicability of a selection of such algorithms to a distributed network of wireless sensors. A distributed network of wireless visual sensors was simulated using a number of high-resolution webcams setup in the hallways of an academic building. The selected algo- rithms were then applied in a distributed fashion at each node. An empirical comparison of the most popular of the recent algorithms on a simulation of a wireless sensor network was thus obtained. This paper provides corroborating evidence in support of the most effective of such algorithms to the problem of automatic anomaly detection from image streams.


 1. Introduction
  1.1 Organization of Paper
 2. Algorithmic Bases
  2.1 Kernel Functions
  2.2 Kernel-based Online Anomaly Detection Algorithm
  2.3 Kernel Density Estimation
  2.4 Kernel Estimation-based Anomaly Detection
  2.5 Principal Component Analysis
  2.6 Kernel Principal Component Analysis
  2.7 Normalized Compression Distance-based Similarity Metric
 3. Experiments
  3.1 Data
  3.2 Results
 4. Conclusion and Future Directions


  • Tarem Ahmed Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering BRAC University Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Supriyo Ahmed Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering BRAC University Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Al-Sakib Khan Pathan Department of Computer Science International Islamic University Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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