

공간 개념을 사용한 시간 표현에 나타난 한국어와 영어의 차이


The difference between Korean and English in the time expressions using spatial concepts


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study examined the time-related linguistic expressions in the Koreanlanguage and the English language. The way to perceive and to express timerelatedconcepts shows how abstract concepts are expressed through concreteconcepts. The existing research revealed that the semantic structures of the timeexpressions are closely connected to spatial concepts; this is supported by wordsand expressions that can express both time and spatial concepts across contexts. Considering that the way of using spatial concepts to express time-related ideasis metaphorical, the time expressions are fundamentally metaphorical. The studyused authentic data of such usage, which are examples obtained from a corpus,to analyze the difference between the two languages in terms of using spatialconcepts to express time-related ideas or events. The results showed that theKorean words for expressing spatial concepts are fully capable of expressingtime concepts. In English, however, the words to express both concepts of timeand space are relatively limited; the words for time concepts and the words forspatial concepts are not always interchangeable, although they are semanticallysimilar. Such differences between Korean and English can have significance inlanguage learning and intercultural communication.


 1. 서론
 2. 언어에서 시간 개념의 표현
  2.1. 인지언어학에서의 시간 개념
  2.2. 한국어의 시간 표현 연구
 3. 연구 방법
 4. 한국어의 ‘앞’과 ‘전(前)’, ‘뒤’와 ‘후(後)’
  4.1. 앞
  4.2. 전(前)
  4.3. ‘뒤’와 ‘후(後)’
 5. 영어에 나타난 공간 개념을 사용한 시간 표현
  5.1. Front, Forward, Ahead, Before, Ago의 시간 표현
  5.2. Back, Backward, After, Later, Behind의 시간 표현
 6. 언어 학습에의 시사점
 7. 결론


  • 민주영 Min, Ju Young. 서울대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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