


대도시 소방공무원의 증가와 화재저감의 성과비교


A Comparative Study on the Increasing of Metropolitan Fire Officials and the Performance of Fire Reduction


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, it is analyzed comparing the difference between the major metropolitans in the world, which based on the assumption by increasing the number of fire officials will reduce the number of fires in the result of fire prevention activities as fire inspections. Also over the past 25 years, “if urban expansion and population has been increased in the metropolitans, it must be increased the number of fires in Korea and foreign cities”, as expected. Found in this analysis, even though the population had increased, the number of fires in the metropolitans of the world had not increased or rather decreased. But the premise with the hypothesis differently in spite of the cities' population have increased, it was founded that the number of fires have decreased despite reduced the number of fire officers in foreign cities. However, considering to increase the number of fire officers in order to reduce the fires, achieving the reduction of fires, based on scientific research and systematic safety management, will be cost-effective fire-reduction policies.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 논의 및 문헌 검토
  2.1 소방서비스 수요와 공급
  2.2 관련 문헌검토와 본 연구의 방향
 3. 비교대상 및 방법
  3.1 비교대상
  3.2 비교방법
 4. 대도시 소방공무원의 증가와 화재저감의 성과 비교
  4.1 소방공무원의 증가요인
  4.2 소방수요와 투자예산 비교
  4.3 대도시 화재 1건당 투자비용
  4.4 세계주요 대도시 간의 소방통계 비교
  4.5 통계자료 비교분석의 시사점
 5. 결론
  5.1 소방인적자원정책의 재검토
  5.2 효과적인 도시화재저감 소방정책
  5.3 정책적 함의
 6. 요약


  • 변상호 Sang-Ho Byun. 한국화재감식학회 고문(한양대학교 행정학과 박사과정 졸업예정)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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