

A Study on the Integrated Security System based Real-time Network Packet Deep Inspection



With the volume of Internet communication continuing to increase, there are more cases of worm and virus intrusion through the network. The security system against external attacks that use various security vulnerabilities consists of firewall and intrusion detection and prevention subsystem, and its functionality is becoming more advanced. As indicated by the recent security issues and intrusion cases, however, APT attacks and worm and hacking must be dealt with continuously. As such, enterprises are investing in various measures for an integrated security system to identify the threats of network security-based security vulnerabilities and cope with theme effectively. This paper proposes a network packet in-depth test-based, integrated security system that analyzes the threat factors through a total study of network packets circulated in realtime and applies various security functions to cope with intelligent security threats in the future.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Research and Technology Trends
  2.1. Intelligent Security
  2.2. Network Packet Structure and Type of Test
  2.3. Concept of Integrated Security Systems
 3. Integrated Security System Utilization
  3.1. Architecture of Integrated Security System
  3.2. Key Requirements of Integrated Security System
  3.3. Applications of Integrated Security System
 4. Operational Cases and Performance Evaluation
 5. Conclusions


  • Chang-Su Moon Dept. of Information & Communication Eng., Graduate Soonchunhyang Univ., Chungnam, Republic of Korea
  • Sun-Hyung Kim Dept. of Information & Communication Eng., Graduate Soonchunhyang Univ., Chungnam, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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