To provide secure and efficient access control methods in cloud computing environments, many system models have been proposed that employ attribute-based encryption and proxy re-encryption schemes. Most of these access control schemes are based on the user’s authentication information and access privileges. However, when users request access privileges through non-secure environments such as mobile devices and wireless networks, we need to be able to restrict access requests, depending on the user’s context-aware information. To achieve this, in this paper we propose an access restriction scheme for access to cloud data that is based on context-aware information.
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Yu’s Scheme
3. Security Threat in Yu’s Scheme
4. Our Proposed Scheme
4.1. System Setup
4.2. New Data Upload
4.3. Granting Access to a New User
4.4. Data Access
4.5. Data Deletion
5. Security Analysis of our Proposed Scheme
6. Conclusions